7 Principles to Create Strategies and Tools for Assessing Digital Literacy Capabilities / Competences

7 Principles to Create Strategies and Tools for Assessing Digital Literacy Capabilities / Competences

This is a set of principles or recommendations to be taken into consideration when designing tools or strategies for assessing digital competences. [Conceptions] Put aside own pre-conceptions of literacy(-ies) and allow the user/agent to articulate their own understanding of their literacy (-ies).   [Responsibility] Avoid assessing 

Why Assessing Digital Competences Matters?

Why Assessing Digital Competences Matters?

This is a short video with interviews to participants in the European Literacy Network Training School at Coventry University.

Video-message from Rui Alves, Chair of the European Literacy Network

Video-message from Rui Alves, Chair of the European Literacy Network

Rui A. Alves is the Chair of the European Literacy Network (ELN) and works as Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Center of Psychology of the University of Porto. His main research interest are the cognitive processes of writing, which he studies using on-line methods 



As part of the Training School, DMLL hosted an exhibition of posters displaying various models and framerworks on digital media competences and literacies. All posters can be downloaded as high resolution PDF files by clicking on the images below. Mozilla Web Literacy Jisc Digital Capabilities 



The Training School will be hosted at Coventry University’s Disruptive Media Learning Lab (DMLL). DMLL is an experimental unit established at Coventry University in 2014 with the aim of driving educational innovation forward, so that the university can re-imagine its own models, practices and contexts 



Organisers Luis Pereira, Academic Developer – Senior Lecturer (Coventry University) @lumigopereira Daniel Villar-Onrubia, Principal Project Lead at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab (Coventry University) @villaronrubia Keynote speakers Igor Kanižaj (University of Zagreb, Croatia) @igor_kanizaj Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb, Department for Journalism and 

Rationale & Format

Rationale & Format

“Capabilities are not only abilities that reside inside humans, but they also comprise the political, social, and economic environment. Literacy is a capability whose fulcrum is far away from the individual, depending crucially on societal forces that can hinder or promote human development. The efficiency